
There has been nothing short of a revolution in the veterinary dental arena. We now have the American Veterinary Dental College, a specialty college responsible for the certification of veterinary dental specialists like Dr. Fraser Hale. Research into dental disease has clearly shown just how important oral health is to overall pet health. Better oral health allows your pet to live a longer, happier life.

85% of dogs and cats older than four years of age have periodontal disease. That is an astounding statistic that we strive to change for our patients. We recommend routine oral home care, like teeth brushing and tartar control food and treats. During routine physical exams we will show you any trouble spots in your pet’s mouth and recommend dental exam and cleaning under anesthesia as needed. Many pets, especially cats and toy breed dogs, need dental cleanings yearly.

Our dental program at the Amherst Small Animal Hospital continues to evolve, ensuring that the quality of our dental program is top notch. With the strength of our anesthetic program, we can confidently address the needs of those many aging pets that struggle with serious dental problems.

A complete dental exam under anesthesia includes dental radiographs of every tooth taken with a dental radiography machine similar to that used by human dentists. The veterinary technicians clean the teeth of plaque and tartar with an ultrasonic scaling instument, including the space under the gum tissue. Next, the doctor examines the teeth and mouth and reviews the dental radiographs to determine if treatment or dental surgery is necessary.


Healthy teeth and gums


Advanced Periodontal Disease

Advanced Periodontal Disease

Canine Dental Radiograph

Canine Dental Radiograph

Feline Dental Radiograph

Feline Dental Radiograph

Click here to see a video of how to brush a dog’s teeth.